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Frequently Asked Questions

Who will teach the Classes?

We are made up of former British Mathematical Olympiad and International Mathematical Olympiad participants from multiple countries. We assess each tutor’s depth of knowledge and problem-solving ability during the interview process, ensuring they are well-equipped to teach and thoroughly understand the format, techniques, and nuances of the questions they have personally excelled in.

What age groups do you work with?

We work with students at a range of abilities, from ages 11-18.

How are Olympiad sessions conducted?

We run our group classes throughout the year. All of our lessons are taught online through a platform called Lessonspace.

Do you tutor all levels of the Maths Challenge?

We do! Depending on the region, we help students progress from the early round (e.g. the SMC/IMC in the UK) all the way up to the later stages (BMO I/II and IMO)